There has been a huge hype about chat bots since 2016. Every content
officer should take it very seriously. These bots can have a radical effect on
content marketing. If we were to receive all contents via an interface like
Facebook Messenger, WeChat or Telegram that was previously only available
via browsers, newsletters and apps, a thrilling alternative for content distribution would be formed. After all, bots can provide us with relevant information in the right context in the future. Ideally, we will receive less and
better information this way and thus avert the content shock.
Most bots are simply answering machines that are similar to a living FAQ
list or a newsletter. Only a few of them count among the league of AI. If we
ask a bot a closed question, we will first receive a simple answer without any
surprises. In most cases, bots cannot respond to spontaneous human behaviour and open questions. Instead, we receive a counter question along the
lines of: “I don’t know what you mean by that”. Bots are far from human
empathy. In most cases, they only give pre-worded answers on the basis
of a database in which all possible responses are listed. This is the reason
why bots try to direct us in a predefined direction that they can understand again. Unexpected courses of conversation lead to the end of them.
Furthermore, the AI-less bots can only respond to standard questions, do
not remember and do not really learn anything new.
Yet, that is not meant to beguile of the innovations expected in the future.
In combination with AI, bots become powerful tools and self-learning systems that understand our questions better in the course of time and thus
give us the right answers, because they understand our context. Virtual
assistants that have comprehensive access to our personal data are able to give good answers because of this database, which saves us having to search
and sort out knowledge. This is where the actual bot revolution, which is
announcing itself with gentle steps with the simplest of functionalities, lies.
Many brands are already preparing themselves for this development.
The bot revolution is changing the way and means of how brands obtain
access to potential customers via their supply of content. By 2027, this
development will have great consequences for the marketing and communication world and will radically change previous communication models.
Conventional models that rely on one brand message for all will function
less frequently.
Content strategists will have to develop a certain feeling for the fine
changes in the communication and content mix so that their organisation
can react in good time to the changes in the digital continuum. After all,
they do also want to reach their target groups with the brand messages in the
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