The subject of AI is nothing new—it has been discussed since the 1960s.
The great breakthrough in the business world has failed to appear, but for a
few exceptions. Thanks to the immensely increased computing power, the
methods can now be massively parallelised and intensified. Innovative deep
learning and predictive analytics methods paired with big data technology
facilitate a quantum leap of AI potential benefits for business applications
and problems. In the last ten years, the breakthrough with regard to the
applicability in business practice has succeeded due to this further devel-
opment. At present, the discussion is, on the one hand, shaped by hardly
realistic science fiction scenarios that postulate computers taking over man-
kind. On the other hand, there is a strongly informatics-/technology-laden
discourse. In addition to that, there are singular popular science publications
as well as articles in the daily press. The latter adhere to the exemplary level
without holistic context. A systematic overview of the AI relevant for busi-
ness, a reference model for classification for the respective business functions
and problems, a maturity model for the classification and evaluation of the
respective phases and a process model including an economic cost-benefit
analysis are all lacking.
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